03. September 2018 Schau rein tagPlaceholderTags: Kommentar schreiben Kommentare: 1 #1 Henrik Saar (Mittwoch, 07 April 2021 19:21) Dear Waltraud Zechmeister, Thank you very much for the invitation to share my posts in your online magazine. Will you please tell me how to do it. I use to share with Facebook groups. Do you also have a Facebook group? Best regards Henrik Saar
Kommentar schreiben
Henrik Saar (Mittwoch, 07 April 2021 19:21)
Dear Waltraud Zechmeister,
Thank you very much for the invitation to share my posts in your online magazine. Will you please tell me how to do it. I use to share with Facebook groups. Do you also have a Facebook group?
Best regards
Henrik Saar